The project presented here is based on world’s most powerful microco-ntroller based on intel’s mcs-51 family , generally known as intel-8051. We have used its derivative atmel-89c2051
SUMMARY:We have fixed two light sensors on fore side on the robo. The principle of sensors is that black colour will normally observe the light where other colours will normally reflects the
lights light source is fixed down ward Ld1 ,a white led reflected light will fall on the ldr if the light is more the resistance of the ldr is normally low and transistor remains in cutoff state
When the robo moves on the black road , the light reflected is less and the l dr resistance is increased, vr1 forms a potential driver along with ldr due to increase in resistance the base voltage on t1 will rise to conduction level and transister will go into on (conduction)state.
Resulting it’s collector which was getting high logic from the default microcontroller pin will become low. This low logic detection confirms that the robo is on the black road if the robo is our of the black road this logic will become high and it indicates off-road. Depending upon the left or right sensor robo will move towards right or left direction in order to stay on road out put from both the sensors should be low when the robo is on the road.
Based on the input of the sensors will move in forward direction left or right direction
We have also added head light, back light.. These lights automatically comes on while robo is in movement.Pin no 16 of u1 is connected to pino 5 of u2 out put of u2 at pin no 16 enable the motor driver ic pin no 1 and 9 on u3 .pin no 17 and 18 of microcontroller u1 controls the motor m1.pin no 14 and pin no 15 of u1 controls the motor m2 when both pins high or low nothing happens motor will not turn
Construction: Solder all the parts provided in the kit properly. First connect the jumper wires(links) before you solder the ic sockets. Do not solder integrated circuits directly on the circuit board , it may damage the ic since you my not be experienced soldering person. So solder the ic sockets first on the circuit board. Solder smaller components first like resistance and disk capacitors, assemble the complete kit one by one. Please make sure that there are no short circuits left on to the circuit board. Check the power supply at all the sockets mounted on circuit board it should be 5 to 6.5v dc.
GSM based Personal computer control system is a Micro Controller based control system which is interfaced to the computer through a wireless GSM network. It is a application dependent project which requires a specially designed application program in the hosting system i.e. our personal computer which has to be controlled should be installed with a application program such as Windows/UNIX environment so that it can understand the commands received from the controller unit. Here we are going to interface our Microcontroller based hardware module to the Operating system of the Personal Computer, so that we can control the operations of few applications such as windows media player, notepad etc through mobile phone or modem from any where in the world.The major building blocks of this project are:-
The project works satisfactorily in real time, can locate the vehicle travel locations in the form of longitude, latitude with the margin of error not more than 6 meters from the actual location. This system also logs the information like date, time and speed information of the vehicle.
The major building blocks of this project are:
The purpose of this project is to remote monitoring and control of the Domestic Energy meter. This system enables the Electricity Department to read the meter readings regularly without the person visiting each house. This can be achieved by the use of microcontroller unit that continuously monitors and records the Energy Meter readings in its permanent (non-volatile) memory location. This system also makes use of a GSM modem for remote monitoring and control of Energy Meter. The Microcontroller based system continuously records the readings and the live meter reading can be sent to the Electricity department on request. This system also can be used to disconnect the power supply to the house in case of non-payment of electricity bills. A dedicated GSM modem with SIM card is required for each energy meter.The major building blocks of this project are:
Microcontroller based control system with regulated power supply.
The aim of this project is to build a Graphical LCD Touch Screen interface for switching electrical devices. The controlled devices can be of high voltage or low voltage. A virtual on screen keypad and control board can be developed by the program running inside microcontroller. The status of devices can be viewed on Graphical LCD. No needs to have mechanical push buttons or LED indicators.Users can control the devices with gentle finger touch. Controlling of Electrical appliances such as Television can be Passwordprotected. By this we can limit the access to certain electrical devices to children or any other un-authorized persons.
This project consists of a microcontroller that takes input from touch screen and processes the request. Then it processes the data and takes necessary action and updates the status on Graphical LCD.
The major building blocks of this project are:
Obstacle detection Robot with Ultrasonic Sensors automatically senses the presence of a obstacle in its path and deviates its path or stops its journey. The obstacle detection mechanism is managed by a ultrasonic sensor which makes uses of ultrasonic waves to find the presence of a obstacle in its path.The robot consists of an 8-bit microcontroller to communicate with the sensor and takes any action depending upon the feedback received from the ultrasonic sensor. Here the micro controller part is to control the movement of the robot as well as to read the input from the sensor unit.This also consists of few dc motors to rotate the wheels of the robot. The motor is rotated as per the direction in which the robot has to be moved, these kind of intelligent decisions are to be taken by the controller.
The major building blocks of this project are:-
“DTMF Controlled Wireless Robot” is capable of receiving a set of command (instructions) in the form of DTMF tones and performs the necessary actions. Here DTMF stands for “Dual tone multiple frequency”. We will be using a dedicated modem/mobile at the receiver module i.e. with the robot it self and send the commands using DTMF tones as per the required actions. The mobile unit which is dedicated at the robot is interfaced with an intellectual device called Microcontroller so that it takes the responsibility of decoding the tones received and perform the corresponding predefined tasks such as move front or back, left or right etc.The micro controller is also interfaced with few DC motors in order to move the robot in different directions. The ON and OFF of the DC motors depends on the direction it has to move which is the complete responsibility of the controller to take those intelligent decisions. The major building blocks of this project are:-
The aim of this project is to build a vehicle that can be controlled by using wireless MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems) based accelerometer. This consists of a remote control that wirelessly transmits data using RF technology to the remote vehicle to move in any direction. The accelerometer will be mounted on a steering plate (remote control), such that if the steering plate leans in some direction then the robot vehicle moves in that direction.If the user wants to move the robot forward he can lean the steering plate forward and backward for reverse. To turn left or right user need to turn the steering plate toward left or right respectively.
The major building blocks of this project are:
“GSM (SMS) Controlled Wireless Robot” is automatic robots which capable of receiving a set of command instructions in the form of Short message service and performs the necessary actions. We will be using a dedicated modem/mobile at the receiver module i.e. with the robot it self and send the commands using SMS service as per the required actions. The mobile unit which is dedicated at the robot is interfaced with an intellectual device called Micro controller so that it takes the responsibility of reading the received commands in the form of SMS from the mobile unit and perform the corresponding predefined tasks such as move front or back, left or right etc. The micro controller is also interfaced with few DC motors in order to move the robot in different directions. The ON and OFF of the DC motors depends on the direction it has to move which is the complete responsibility of the controller to take those intelligent decision.The major building blocks of this project are:-
Just came across an interesting video about the new concept of laptop design – Rolltop. The new laptop design concept will be using flexible OLED display on both the display panel and keyboard.
The virtual keyboard will replace the conventional physical keyboard so that the 13-inch laptop can easily transforms into graphics, which with its 17-inch flat screen. The utility of this laptop is wide as you can use it as a primary monitor as well.
Ian Halperin, who has written unauthorized tell-alls about Michael Jackson and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, has revealed that publishing houses are looking for writers to cash in on the scandal surrounding Tiger Woods.
Measuring seismic activity is very essential for predicting earthquakes. Many such measuring devices are placed at various places of the world. But for a better prediction covering an entire area is very important. A collection of zigbee sensor networks can help to do this. Many zigbee enabled seismic sensors can be deployed at various places especially city under grounds to monitor seismic patterns.
The data collected by each sensor will hop through the zigbee network to reach a wifi station from where it will be transmitted to a server. Several such networks deployed across the world sending seismic activity to a central server can be set up. All this data on the server with proper analysis can help in predicting changes in seismic activity and may be and earthquake.
The prisoners work on technical projects to assist state security agencies and generally pander to Stalin's increasing paranoia. While most are aware of how much better off they are than "regular" Gulag prisoners, some are also conscious of the overwhelming moral dilemma of working to aid a system that is the cause of so much suffering.
By the end of the book, several zeks, including Gleb Nerzhin, the autobiographical hero, choose to stop cooperating, even though their choice means being sent to much deadlier camps.
The book also briefly depicts several Soviet leaders of the period, including Stalin himself, who is depicted as vain and vengeful, remembering with pleasure the torture of a rival, dreaming of one day becoming emperor of the world, or listening to his subordinate Viktor Abakumov and wondering: "[...]has the day come to shoot him yet?"
The novel addresses numerous philosophical themes, and through multiple narratives is a powerful argument both for a stoic integrity and humanism. Like other Solzhenitsyn works, the book illustrates the difficulty in maintaining dignity within a system designed to strip its inhabitants of it.
The Mayon Volcano in the Philippines is showing signs of becoming clogged with lava and scientists say it could erupt explosively.
NO MEN IS PERFECT BUT EVERY PERSON IS UNIQUE......................................don't forget it.