"The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure"

by:Sven Goran Eriksson

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Real-time systems play a considerable role in our society, and they cover a spectrum from the very simple to the very complex. Examples of current real-time systems include the control of domestic appliances like washing machines and televisions, the control of automobile engines, telecommunication switching systems, military command and control systems, industrial process control, flight control systems, and space shuttle and aircraft avionics.

All of these involve gathering data from the environment, processing of gathered data, and providing timely response. A concept of time is the distinguishing issue between real-time and non-real-time systems. When a usual design goal for non-real-time systems is to maximize system’s throughput, the goal for real-time system design is to guarantee, that all tasks are processed within a given time. The taxonomy of time introduces special aspects for real-time system research. Real-time operating systems are an integral part of real-time systems. Future systems will be much larger, more widely distributed, and will be expected to perform a constantly changing set of duties in dynamic environments. This also sets more requirements for future real-time operating systems. This seminar has the humble aim to convey the main ideas on Real Time System and Real Time Operating System design and implementation.


Timeliness is the single most important aspect of a real -time system. These systems respond to a series of external inputs, which arrive in an unpredictable fashion. The real-time systems process these inputs, take appropriate decisions and also generate output necessary to control the peripherals connected to them. As defined by Donald Gillies “A real-time system is one in which the correctness of the computations not only depends upon the logical correctness of the computation but also upon the time in which the result is produced. If the timing constraints are not met, system failure is said to have occurred.”

It is essential that the timing constraints of the system are guaranteed to be met. Guaranteeing timing behavior requires that the system be predictable. The design of a real -time system must specify the timing requirements of the system and ensure that the system performance is both correct and timely.
.for complete information leave email id in message box

Virus Attack on Computers, Mobiles And Palmtops (SEMINAR TOPIC)


Do viruses and all the other nasties in cyberspace matter? Do they

really do much harm? Imagine that no one has updated your anti- virus software for a few months. When they do, you find that your accounts spreadsheets are infected with a new virus that changes figures at random. Naturally you keep backups. But you might have been backing up infected files for months. How do you know which figures to trust? Now imagine that a new email virus has been released. Your company is receiving so many emails that you decide to shut down your email gateway altogether and miss an urgent order from a big customer. Imagine that a friend emails you some files he found on the Internet. You open them and trigger a virus that mails confidential documents to everyone in your address book including your competitors. Finally, imagine that you accidentally send another company, a report that carries a virus. Will they feel safe to do business with you again? Today new viruses sweep the planet in hours and virus scares are major news.A computer virus is a computer program that can spread across computers and networks by making copies of itself, usually without the user’s knowledge. Viruses can have harmful side effects. These can range from displaying irritating messages to deleting all the files on your computer. A virus program has to be run before it can infect your computer. Viruses have ways of making sure that this happens. They can attach themselves to other programs or hide in code that is run automatically when you open certain types of files. The virus can copy itself to other files or disks and make changes on your computer. Virus side effects, often called the payload, are the aspect of most interest to users. Password-protecting the documents on a particular day, mailing information about the user and machine to an address somewhere are some of the harmful side effects of viruses.address somewhere are some of the harmful side effects of viruses.Password-protecting the documents on a particular day, mailing information about the user and machine to an Various kinds of viruses include macro virus, parasitic or file virus, Boot virus,E-mails are the biggest source of viruses. Usually they come as attachments with emails. The Internet caused the spreading of viruses around the globe. The threat level depends on the particular code used in the WebPages and the security measures taken by service providers and by you. One solution to prevent the viruses is anti-virus softwares. Anti-virus software can detect viruses, prevent access to infected files and often eliminate the infection.Computer viruses are starting to affect mobile phones too. The virus is rare and is unlikely to cause much damage. Anti-virus experts expect that as mobile phones become more sophisticated they will be targeted by virus writers. Some firms are already working on anti-virus software for mobile phones. .......for complete information contact us or leave email id in message box.