Thursday, July 22, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Electronic amplifier

An electronic amplifier is a device for increasing the power of a signal. It does this by taking energy from a power supply and controlling the output to match the input signal shape but with a larger amplitude. In this sense, an amplifier may be considered as modulating the output of the power supply.
There are many alternative classifications that address different aspects of amplifier designs, and they all express some particular perspective relating the design parameters to the objectives of the circuit. Amplifier design is always a compromise of numerous factors, such as cost, power consumption, real-world device imperfections, and a multitude of performance specifications. Below are several different approaches to classification:
Monday, July 19, 2010
Online address book with upto date information(cs project topic)
People usually changes email addresses and mobile number. Before changing numbers, they will have given that number to many. After changing, when they try, the number will not be correct and hence the call will not be connected. Many contacts are lost in a similar way. The project aims to solve this problem by maintaining an online contact base.
Every contact on the mobile or on the desktop is synced with it. So If Frederik changes his mobile number, every contact who syncs to this database will receive an updated contact information. With this application in place there is no hassle when mobile numbers, emails or address details are changed.
Location based advertising(project topic)
Where can we make use of location based advertising ? Definitely it has to be on something that moves. Mobile, yes, but not this time. This about buses. All these buses travel many places, and most of the new ones have got electronic billboards. Why not run location based advertisements on them. The idea is to create a directory of locations (latitude and longitude) and advertisements.
An algorithm needs to be developed to find proximity to a location and change the advertisement based on that. Due to the complexity of the project, its better implemented on an embedded linux box. Coupled with GPRS, the advertisements can be updated on the fly, with out even having to stop the vehicle. The different modules of the project include an LED display controller, a GPS module and GPRS handler.